A non-profit research to create a prototype kit for people on the spectrum.
- Team
- Tangity
- Studios
- Milan
Despite being a widespread condition, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) still remains unclear for the majority of the population. This is why we started this design project, focusing on desk and field research to better understand the people's condition. To do so, we involved various design disciplines, Aritificial Intelligence specialists, and worked closely with people that live with ASD.
Although ASD is not a learning disability, it can strongly influence a person's education in two ways. On the one side, autistic children develop at a different speed while cultivating skills in a different way than children without the condition.
Children with ASD may also have difficulties staying focused, communicating, and understanding others' perspectives.
The research project allowed us to test a new way to access valuable data through a human-centered design approach. Our team defined the relevant data based on user research in three steps:
• desk & field research
• feature extraction
• dataset design
This enabled our team to analyze the human biases and tackle them to avoid transferring them into the machine.
This design methodology we developed is especially valuable in cases where no datasets are available, like in the case of ASD, where there is no well-structured dataset related to the project's objectives.
aida changes the perspective towards autism, not by forcing the child to adapt to the context. Instead, aida attempts to adjust the context to the child’s needs, facilitating communication as well as the learning process.
We designed a kit that provides parents and educators with information about the status of the child, suggesting ways to communicate the most effective educational path.
We integrated this innovative kit with a scalable app as an institutional tool to create a more inclusive environment in public schools.
“Every child or adult with autism has unique characteristics. When a teacher is replaced, it's difficult for them to manage.”
children in the world is diagnosed with autism
expertises to create an AI dataset from user research
for an interdisciplinary project
selected for Mobile Learning Week 2020
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