UniCredit Public Website Digital Accessibility Evolution
Establishing a consistent digital experience based on best new accessibility rules
UniCredit Retail Channel Transformation
UniCredit Digital Governance
UniCredit Services
Experience Design
Inclusive Design
Process Design
7 months
The project was initiated to enhance the usability of UniCredit's public website and its services for users and individuals with physical, visual, motor, and cognitive impairments. This was necessary to comply with the latest harmonized European directive, EN 301 549 v.3 2.1 (2021-03), which regulates web portals. To achieve this, we analyzed the efficiency of the website pages that were already partially consistent with accessibility requirements. We also reviewed how content was displayed and structured and compared the previously adopted solutions with the WCAG accessibility rules involved. Our main objective was to reorganize the web content by introducing usability and digital interface solutions that could ensure an excellent overall user experience without changing, but rather integrating, the Design system acquired during the recent restyling of the touchpoint. Thanks to a multidisciplinary and diverse team, including Designers and Digital Accessibility Experts, we synergized and proposed compliance solutions that aligned with the European regulation guides while maintaining consistency with the Design system.
During the initial phase of the project, we conducted a thorough investigation of the accessibility rules that would affect the current state of the website. We defined a perimeter of intervention to cover all the different scenarios and prioritized the interventions based on the business needs for updating the code. Every task, from the most significant efforts to refining details, was managed by the team, always keeping the scalability of the proposed solutions in mind. An agile design system also supported us in ensuring consistency with the UC digital identity. Our designers reviewed and integrated the website's various sections, which were approved as a design solution by our accessibility experts before being shared with the client. To support the entire process, we maintained navigable prototypes and guidelines that serve as a reference for the correct future evolution of the website.
The 'Unicredit.it' public portal is now compliant with screen readers and assistive tools for interaction. We have also integrated a visual contrast in line with accessibility rules while maintaining consistency with the recently updated restyling. These changes have made the visual interfaces and overall user experience more usable and consistent. In addition, we have implemented a typography system with a well-defined hierarchy, integrated accessible interactive components, and redesigned multiple commercial engagement masks by use and sections.