The Couchers: two friends, a sofa, the best AXN series and lots of humour.
- Team
- Tangity
- Studios
- Lisbon
- Duration
- 6 months
The briefing was clear: September is coming and with it we need to promote AXN’s new content grid. Simultaneously we had to reverse (or minimize) the negative trend of the migration of viewers to other streaming platforms.
In order to capture viewers' attention and keep them on the channel during breaks in the series or film, we went one step further. We've shown that we take our purpose seriously and that we'll go to any lengths to demonstrate it.
But how?
By no longer offering self-promotions. By offering content in return. Content that does the work of advertising and makes viewers want to watch the breaks.
2 friends.
1 sofa.
Content for all channels, orientated towards TV consumption.
Advertising became content.
The interval became part of the moment.
And at AXN, we create it.
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